SMCG Wines

SMCG Wines, full traceable, carefully sourced, wine collections.

SMCG Wines

SMCG Wines, full traceable, carefully sourced, wine collections.

The Beast Collection

Their Wines are Unique - Literally

SMCG Wines is the first wine distributor in Africa that has adopted unique traceability for every product sold.

Contrary to the barcode, which serves to just identify the product (all barcodes on a particular product are the same), the secure, unique identification label you will find on each bottle is unique to every bottle and allows you to make sure that the product you are receiving is authentic. Furthermore, information associated with this label will also give you more detailed information on every single bottle.

The Beast Collection

Download the OriginAll App and try it out.

SMCG Wines

Why Does it Matter?

SMCG Wines want their customers to always have proof of origin and proof of authenticity and as they grow, we will continuously be supporting them in adding new levels of information so we can reach the highest levels of product transparency.

Counterfeiting and illicit trade is a huge problem - across all industries and sectors. Counterfeiting alone, according to some estimates, costs the global economy over USD 4 trillion each year ... not just wines of course ... but all products combined.

Counterfeiting and illicit trade are also known to finance criminal activities, something SMCG Wines certainly do not want to be part of.

SMCG Wines

Help Us Keep their Supply Chain Safe And Set An Example for Others

Scanning the unique identifier on the products you receive provides you with exclusive data and helps SMCG Wines keep an eye on their products so they can better serve their clients. Together, we also hope to set an example for others, even beyond the wine industry, in a continent where up to 70 % of certain products in certain regions are counterfeit.

Powered by OriginAll, implemented by SMCG Wines