
Healthies goes beyond product identification and verification.


Healthies goes beyond product identification and verification.


Healthies goes beyond product identification and verification. The purpose is to ensure that every $ (donation, gift, subsidy) is programmable, linked to a purpose (a medicine, medical product or healthcare service), limited in time, geographical location and dependent on the authenticity of the service rendered or product deployed. Money flows as conditions are met with an unparalleled level of accountability, auditability and transparency.

The "Healthies" platform can be used to reinforce and advance health system transformation from being reactive to becoming more proactive, predictive and preventative providing increased data insights especially for the "last mile" for improved transparency and data-driven decision-making.

  • Strengthen health systems in low- and middle-income settings improving data insights for Governments, Pharma and Donors.
  • Highly interoperable and adaptable for country context.
  • Advance geospatial health systems and data quality at country, regional and community levels.
  • Provide new social-economic models for healthcare and greatly improve data quality and insights to support pandemic response and emergencies.

Built-in Interoperability

The Healthies platform will provide interoperability with existing health management information systems (DHIS2) as well as other "global goods", never duplicating already existing efforts but harnessing their strengths through aggregation. Healthies is a digital health tool that is adaptable to different countries and contexts

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